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Duel of the Fates

Korah Matah Korah Rahtahmah
Korah Rahtamah Yoodhah Korah
Korah Syahdho Rahtahmah Daanyah
Korah Keelah Daanyah
Nyohah Keelah Korah Rahtahmah
Syadho Keelah Korah Rahtahmah
Korah Daanyah Korah Rahtahmah
Korah Daanyah Korah Rahtahmah
Nyohah Keelah Korah Rahtahmah
Syadho Keelah Korah Rahtahmah
Korah Matah Korah Rahtahmah
Korah Daanyah Korah Rahtahmah
Nyohah Keelah Korah Rahtahmah
Syadho Keelah Korah Rahtahmah

Source : The Sheet Music for Duel of the Fates

What does it mean?

According to John Williams in his interview to the Star Wars Insider, the inspiration for the theme of DOTF was an old Celtic poem called 'CAD GODDEU - The Battle of the Trees'.

From the nine words used in the Sanskrit version it is evident that the entire poem has not been translated. The actual poem spans many pages. But a little knowledge of Sanskrit allows me to make the speculation that a general meaning might be 'All the dread is mainly in the head'. This, to a certain extent, matches a line of the original poem, which says "Under the tongue root a fight most dread, and another raging, behind, in the head."

Make what you want of it.

This story was originally sent to by DevanJedi of


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Duel of the Fates is in Sanskrit - the ancient Indian language
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What does it mean?

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