Past Most Wanted
Luke Skywalker - The
killer farm-boy

30th October, 1999
Prasad reporting
Life for
Skywalker started out on a rocky road, he lived a peasants life and suffered
sever sunburn. As a child he was unusually strange, as friend Biggs
Darklighter points out, "All he ever wanted to do was go to the Toshi
Station, it really got scary after a while."
Darklighter left, Skywalker was all alone. He started to go to the Toshi
Station by himself and even became rebellious. He would yell at his
Uncle and beg to leave. Finally Skywalker could no longer take it. He
wanted out, and the only way out was to take down Auntie and Uncle.
It was an
eerie morning, Skywalker left the homestead early, and then everything went
just as the scoundrel had planned. The previous day he had called in
some Tusken Raiders to do his dirty work. He specifically instructed
them to make it seem as though Imperial Storm Troopers had done the job.
Luke made arrangements to pay the Tuskens as soon as the job was done.
Through some strange twist of fate the Raiders
didn't get their money and went after Luke. Fortunately or
unfortunately, Luke was rescued by an unidentified source.
The next few years of the Farmers life are a
mystery, filled with stories
that stretch from him going to Hoth and onto Degobah, to him being sold as a
slave to a Toydarian Junk Dealer.
Luke next resurfaced on Bespin where he met his
estranged father. The meeting apparently did not go very well and ended
with Luke running away from his father, claiming he had been abused. As
the story goes Skywalker was impressed with his father's power, but like all
teens he wanted to rebel. So since daddy was a Sith, he had to be a
Skywalker then returned to his home planet to
wreak more havoc. He, with the help of some thug-like friends freed a
smuggler that had been brought to justice. He was then cited for
poaching of the most endangered spices in the galaxy, the Rancor. With
fewer than 100 Rancor remaining in the wild, Luke's poaching was a serious
crime. Luke, knowing that he had wronged, wrote an extensive apology to
HETR (Hutts for the Ethical Treatment of Rancors) and once again fled into
Skywalker was next seen exiting the second
Deathstar. He was apparently speaking to a figure in black, rumored to
be his father. Reports say the conversation went something like this:
Figure: "Luke..You were right."
Skywalker: "Of course I was, you think I'm
stupid!? You think I'm stupid don't you? I always knew you liked her
better. [Muffling a sob]"
Figure: "Luke tell your sis-ter you were
Skywalker: "There you go bringing her up
again! Now stop talking or I'm going to turn this TIE right back around and
you're not going to get to go to the bacta tank!!"
Skywalker was last seen in the midst of a wild party on Endor.
If you have any additional information as to
the where about of this heinous criminal please inform a Storm Trooper,
immediately. If you see Mr. Skywalker do not approach him, he is to be
considered armed and extremely dangerous. He has been known to be
accompanied by two assassin droid.

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