Not sure whether to buy the new Jedi Outcast or not? Read our review of this splendid game; it’ll help you make the decision. Read the Review
Category: Reviews
Games Reviews
(Buy Racer from ) “Now this is Pod Racing!” Or at least it should be. The Pod Race sequence in the film is so perfect for all kinds of merchandising follow-ups that sometimes I almost forget what came first- the movie or the merchandise. When you watch Star Wars Episode I- The Phantom Menace […]
First of all I would like to say that this a great game for the Star Wars fans. It will feel like a much more personal strategy game than most others. For the Star Wars fan, there could be nothing better than sending Han Solo on a mission to destroy Endor’s Shield Generator and have […]
This game kicks butt. No only do you get to fly X-wing’s, Y-wing’s and A-wing, T-16’s, Snowpeeder’s, you can fly a ship that made it’s first apprence in this game, the V-wing, and if your cheat freak like me you can even fly the Falcon,TIE Interceptor, even get to pilot an AT-ST. And just recently […]
(Buy JPB from ) Ok, Finally I get my first review done here…. Gameplay: It is has a “so-so” control figure. The fun factor is high in this game because it is fun to slash through the enemy. You feel like a true jedi! You can choose between 5 or maybe 6 jedis. There […]