Fun Facts

Star Wars in

If you use the free Office software then try this in the spreadsheet software: In any cell type in =Game(“StarWars”). A small, space invaders style game will appear. Via EggHeaven2000

Fun Facts

Kenobi and the Extraterrestrial Duck

Before Howard, there was another duck in George Lucas’ life. There was a curious bit of dialogue between Ob-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker in the novelization of 1977’s original Star Wars. In the scene where Kenobi mentions Luke’s father and their past in the “Clone Wars”, the following interchange occurs:Kenobi: I understand you are quite […]

Fun Facts

Fun Facts: Irritated Tauntauns

Tauntauns are irritated by the ultrasonic frequencies of certain droids, such as 3PO units, and tend to swat them with their tails. The droids of Echo Base have learned to be careful. (Source: Star Wars Visual Dictionary)

Fun Facts

Fun Facts: Star Dudes

A few months before the release of Episode I: The Phantom Menace, actor Liam Neesson (Qui-Gon Jinn) got an anonymous phone call in the middle of the night saying, “Dude… Star Wars… yeah!”

Fun Facts

Fun Facts: See Things Before They Happen

In the novelization of Episode I, Anakin tells Padme, “I’m going to marry you some day.” Talk about seeing things before they happen!

Fun Facts

Fun Facts: Vader was Lying!

“I thought he was lying! I thought Darth Vader was lying.” James Earl Jones on first reading the ESB script revealing Vader as Luke’s father