Star Wars has some of the best merchandise you can get; toys, games, and all sorts of collectibles. But there’s nothing like wearing your favorite movie franchise around town! Here are ten of the coolest Star Wars wearable things I’ve found on the internet over the years. 10. Darth Vader Costume T-Shirt One of the […]
Category: Collecting
Star Wars Rocks
And on the guitar, from the great dunes of Tatooine, the great wamp-rat slayer Luke Skywalker! That’s Leia on the vocals, Chewy on the drums. I’d pay a lot to see them live. Lately has been coming up with all kinds of crazy merchandise. I like it, but sometimes maybe they overdo it. Like […]
Star Wars Bookends: Mos Eisley Cantina
Just saw these cool Star Wars Bookends that feature Han Solo and Greedo sitting across from each other.
Dallas Comic Con April 29-30
If you are in the Dallas area- or could plan to be- next weekend, on the 29th and 30th of April, you have to take yourself to the Dallas Comic Con. Besides Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett) and Star Wars comic artist Howard Chaykin, there will be many comic book creators and celebrities, plus a large […]
Star Wars Poster Store
We have joined forces with AllPosters to provide you with a customized Star Wars Poster Shop here at
Tie Fighter Case Mod + Table
Through this story at Slashdot, I found this fantastic winner of a sci-fi PC case-mod competition at ExtremeTech. In his (Dave Barry of NY) own words: My case mod is a scale model of a Star Wars TIE Fighter, with a computer built right into the cockpit. And, it’s also a desk! The whole case […]
Great Deal on Star Wars Posters
Want 20% off on Star Wars posters?
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Remember to use the coupon for 20% off! The coupon expires June 10.
500th Star Wars Figure: Darth Vader
The 500th Star Wars figure is now available for pre-order at Amazon. It is a very cool figure of Darth Vader in his chamber from The Empire Strikes Back. Our Best Partners: nano casino paynplay casinot brite kasinot 1€ skrill casino
This Weekend: Sci-Fi Expo
A heads up to everyone- the SciFi Expo is this weekend in . Ben Stevens, writes in with a lot of information about the event. It’s a Star Wars themed even this time around (of course!). [...]
The Wookies I’ve Dated
For the romantic book readers out there, here’s one for the record books. I’ll let the book speak for itself. It opens: [...]
Post Midnight Madness Mumblings
So what did you buy today? I am proud/ashamed to say I spent about $150 offline and another $40 online in toys, books and music. 6 action figures, 4 deluxe action figures, one 12”, one speeder, one novelization and one soundtrack later; am I disappointed? No; I loved it. I love the lack of hype. […]
K-Mart has AOTC Toys
I saw them! I saw them! Actually, just lightsabers.. but I bought myself a Count Dooku curved lightsaber. Red. Cool. Electronic. Sweet! Our Best Partners: uusin nettikasino skrill bezahlen big bass game bass splash