Episode I Sounds
Classic Trilogy
Han Solo | Luke Skywalker | Princess Leia | Chewbacca | Darth Vader | Emperor Palpatine | Boba Fett | Yoda | Obi Wan Kanobi | Ewoks | R2-D2 | C3-P0 | Ackbar | Other | Effects | Midis
Episode I Sounds
Watto: "I’m betting a-heavily on Subulba!" (mp3, 53kb)
Sebulba: "Poodoo!" (wav, 61kb)
Padme: "You’re a funny little boy!" (wav, 108kb)
Watto: "Don’t get me wrong-o." (wav, 66kb)
Amidala: "Our people are dying senator." (wav, 80kb)
Jar Jar: "Yousa people gonna die?" (wav, 40kb)
Anakin: "Will I ever see you again" (wav, 64kb)
Sidious: "Wipe them out. all of them" (wav, 47kb)
Classic Trilogy
Han Solo :
- kesslrun.wav (304kb) – "It’s the ship that made the Kessel run in under 12 parsecs."
- blind.wav (90kb) – Han : "Chewy, give me the gun"; Lando: "No wait!I thought you were blind."
- filth.wav (76kb) – "You tell that slimy piece of worm-ridden filth that he’ll get no such pleasure from us right?"
- fuzzball.wav (64kb) – "Laugh it up, Fuzzball"
- hokey.wav (83kb) – "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side kid."
- hansolo-use_a_good_kiss.mp3(36kb) – "You can use a good kiss"
- afraid.wav (118kb) – "I’m not afraid." Yoda "You willl be.you will be."
- converts.wav (30kb) – "But I was going to Toushe station to get some Power Converters."
- badfeel1.wav (180kb) - "I have a bad feeling about this."
- whatjunk.wav (32kb ) – "What a piece of Junk!"
- help.wav (44kb) – "Help me, Obi Wan Kanobi; you’re my only hope."
- kisswkie (15kb) – "I’d just as soon kiss a Wookie."
- whyyou.wav (53kb) – "Why you
stuck up, half-witted, scruffy looking nerf-herder!"
- chewy1.wav (8kb) - Chewie sound
- wookie.wav (30kb) – Another Chewie sound
- chewyR2D2.wav (50kb) – This is Chewbacca crying when he Luke is missing in the beginning of Episode v.
- chewycry.wav (32kb) – This is him crying.
- thybidding.wav (53kb) – "What is thy bidding, my master."
- All2easy.wav (10kb) – "All too easy."
- father.wav (31kb) – "I am your
father." - whatif.wav (57kb) – "What if he doesn’t survive. He’s worth a lot to me." "The Empire will compensate you if dies. Put him in."
- vader-he_will_join_us_or_die.mp3(80kb) – "He will join us or die, master."
- welcome.wav (214kb) – "Welcome, young Skywalker. I have been expecting you."
- forseen.wav (84kb) – "Everuthing is going as I hav forseen."
- cargo.wav (23kb) – "Put captain Solo in the Cargo hold."
- whatif.wav (57kb) – "What if he doesn’t survive. He’s worth a lot to me." "The Empire will compensate you if he dies. Put him in."
- asyuwish.wav(12kb) – "As you wish!"
- 900years.wav(44kb) – "When 900 years old you reach, look as good, you will not.hmm?"
- afraid.wav(118kb) – Luke :"I’m not afraid!" "You will be.you will be."
- noharm.wav(51kb) – "Away put your weapon, I mean you no harm."
- cannotbe.wav(31kb) – "Always with you what cannot be done."
- getsobig.wav(32kb) – "How you get so big, eating food of this kind."
- helpnot.wav(23kb) – "Mine or I will help you not."
- mudhole.wav(174kb) – "Mudhole, slimy. My home this is! Mmmmm Mmmmmminemine" "R2, let him have it."
- seekyoda.wav(65kb) – "Aaaah! Yoda! You seek Yoda!"
- trynot.wav(63kb) – "Try not, DO.or do not. There is no try."
- Yoda3.wav(12kb) – A cool Yoda laugh!
- yoda-help_you_i_can.mp3(60kb)- "Help you I can. Yes, mmmm!"
- yoda-wars_not_make_one_great.mp3(140kb)- "Great Warrior. Wars not make one great"
- nomoon.wav(77kb) – "That’s no moon."
- forsbwu.wav(39kb) – "May the force be with youalways!"
- ewok.wav (57kb) – "Oonga chingo pango chindo wah!!"
- ewok1.wav (46kb) – "Loollum lollum loolla." A friendly Ewok singing!
R2D2 : - R2D2a.wav (26kb) – An R2D2 sound
- R2D2b
- R2D2c.wav (30kb)
- R2D2d.wav (12kb
- R2D2e.wav (18kb)
- R2D2f.wav (2kb)
- R2D2.wav (91kb) – An R2D2 sound extravaganza!
- detonatr.wav(25kb) – "Because he’s holding a Thermal Detonator!"
- Iamc3p0.wav(36kb) – "Hello, Sir. I am C3P0, human cyborg relations."
- deity.wav (49kb)- "It is against my programming to impersonate a deity."
- chances.wav (92kb) – "R2 says the chances of survival are 725 to 1."
- shutdown.wav(232kb) – "Sir, if you’ll not be needing me I’ll close down for a while."
- echuta.wav(24kb) – "Echuta" ; "How Rude!"
- technical.wav(100kb) – "Don’t get technical with me!"
- Ackforce.wav (16kb) – Ackbar "May the force be with us."
- ackbar.wav (27kb) – Ackbar "The shield is down. Commence attack on the Death Star’s main reactor"
- fleet.wav (25kb) – Ackbar "Move the fleet away from the Death Star."
- probedroid.mp3 (96kb) – Probe Droid message (*new*)
- greedo.wav (23kb) – Greedo "Ooka Chootha Solo?"
- lock_s.wav (83kb) – "Red Leader standing by." " Grey Leader standing by." "Green Leader standing by." " Lock S-Foils in attack position."
- jabbalaf.wav (34kb) – Jabba laughing
- SurrImm.wav (11kb) – "Surrender Immediately!"
- imhit.wav(49kb) – BOOM "I’m hit."
- jawa1.wav(20kb) – A Jawa scream
- looksir.wav(66kb) – "Look sir, droids"
- SaberUp.wav (55kb) – Light Saber Up
- SaberDown.wav (55kb) – Light Saber Down
- lightsaber-struggle.mp3 (92kb) – Lightsabers clashing and pushing against each other.
- lazer.wav (27kb) – Blaster!
- specFX.wav(49kb) – A starfighter passing by.
- Tie Fighter- Tie fighter sound.
- X Wing- x-wing fighter sound.
- AT-AT_walking.mp3 (12kb) – AT-AT walking sound.
Click here for Star Wars music MIDIs
Is there a sound you want but can’t find here (or anywhere). Chances are I have it or can get it for you. Please contact me at skywalker@galaxyfaraway.com.
185 replies on “Star Wars Sounds Archive”
You rock Darth Vader!
just awesome site one of my all favortie site,, thank you for creating it…see if you get more Obi Wan Kenobi from Episode 1,2,3 keep up the awesome work and if you have myspace plz add me….
Obi-Wan Kenobi ROCKS

Cool sounds, the one who said DevanJedi’s comment was me it said I SUCK
I need Clone Trooper voices and droid sounds, please.
I need battle droid sounds. LOTS of battle droid sounds.
Anyone know where i can find that sound the deathstar makes when the laser charges before it fires? That’s a wicked sound.
i can find a sound of a
commander battle droid: “open fire” or “fire”
hey dude i need storm trooper and rebel sounds and blaster sounds plz get them!!
wear did u get those sounds?
These sounds are OK I’m going to say a one star soundboard your welcome
after that clones are needed then I’ll boost it up to 4 star mabye even 5 or an extra 6 if they are awesome
! 501ST!! Any way I took a 10 minute tour around and stars just made me realize it’s cool and it,s 4 star clones needed leads to 1000000000 a trillion stars
Hey, this site is truly awsome! im currently in the process of making a star wars animation! The only thing i need now is light sabers clashing and the low hum the saber makes when its moving. if you have them please send them to me at skywalkerandsolo@gmail.com thanks and May The Force Be With You
Hi, I have some excellent quality sounds and voice grabs straight from the movies with NO (none at all) background noise. They Range from R2-D2 to Ewoks (lots of Ewok sounds) and even some new clone wars sounds. If you would like them just drop me an email and I can send them to you free of charge.
please get the sounds froom the AT-AT pilots when confirming orders attacking rebel base at hoth and the Tie Fighter Pilots ( when answering vader in the trench on the deathstar )
hi there – great site
trying to find sounds of the speeder bikes zipping by, from the redwoods chase scene in Return of the jedi
some episode V battle of hoth sounds would be cool and im trying to find AT-AT sounds when it walks and fires it cannons plus some wampa sounds would be great
you NEED clips from the Force Unleashed !!
Hi, i’am searching sounds for a Republic attack gunship
Dear Greatings Sarul
These are great!! I just wish you guys had more effects sounds.
Do you have the imperial red alert?
Im looking for the sound fx like the ones on the guy on youtube, Pizzamovies. Also stuff like exploshions I bet you wont be able to find these but they are the video effects like the blasters exploshions, tons of blasters shooting ( also the sound ) , speeders at-te walkers , and starfighters ( republic dropship )
Thanks, Unknown
[...] http://www.galaxyfaraway.com/gfa/1998/12/star-wars-sounds-archive/#Effect [...]
[...] Far Away (2009) Available at: http://www.galaxyfaraway.com/gfa/1998/12/star-wars-sounds-archive/#Effects [Last accessed: 20 January [...]
Best c3po quote from ep 2 is missing “Well shut me down! Machines making machines!” Get that, and you are the first on the interwebs…
Oh wow

Best Star Wars sound effects i have seen
I started collecting of star wars, and i think
u already know that i’m an animator.
I make Lego Star Wars Animations When I
Have Good Characters.
These Sounds I 100% Use
Where could I Find the sound we can hear before the Death Star fires ? (we also can hear it in Force Unleashed a few time before it fires)
I love Star Wars! These sound affects are awesome! This is the best.
Thank you! I needed R2D2 sounds 🙂
Nice work, thanks.
Hi! Can you send me darth vader’s and yoda’s wav. tones? I have been looking for this for a long time! Thanks a lot brother!
I even made a soundboard with these! Thank you

You need to get ackbar yelling “Its a trap
These sound files are awesome! I desperately need a TIE blaster sound effect. Can you help me out please?
[...] pero queremos más, porque faltan muchÃsimas cosas. Por ejemplo, de Star Wars se podrÃa hacer una web particular, y ya ni hablar de otras historias. Si alguien conoce alguna otra web parecida, que lo ponga por favor en los comentarios. AKPC_IDS += [...]
i need a speeder bike sound effect. Like from return of the jedi.
Do you selll copies of the the voices. I am looking for a party tape
I need a blaster sound for an animation (I need a different one from the one already there!)
Any chance you can get a copy of the Krayt dragon roar that Obi-wan does in ep IV when he chases away the Tuskens?? Im talking about the original version 1977 sound, not the special edition or re-do. Also would love to get the gurgled/alien speech that Bossk does during the bounty hunter meeting in ESB. Thanx
you should add some more sounds. its really weird to me and i like star wars.
it is so cool. but u should add some more sound effects okay? but everything else is okay. p.s. mi favorit carecter iz obi wan kenobi
[...] sir, Droids!" from: here my ringtone is the probe droid sound the rebels hear on Hoth: here i use the deathstar live wallpaper (earthrot app) and my avatar… for the record, the cartoon [...]
Awww. No I have you now? one of the more under-rated vader
You need blaster noises and stuff, dude!
Dude, why are most of the sounds cut short? You don’t even
get to hear Obi-Wan say “moon”
I agree with Syrial whole heartedly. How can you have
Ackbar quotes and not have “It’s a twap”?
Do you have any more lightsaber sounds? Like…. Just
lightsaber being on…humming? Striking another light saber? Being
swung through the air.
Well done!