
Star Wars Sounds Archive

A phenomenal collection of sounds for download from the Star Wars trilogy!

Episode I Sounds
Classic Trilogy
Han Solo | Luke Skywalker | Princess Leia | Chewbacca | Darth Vader | Emperor Palpatine | Boba Fett | Yoda | Obi Wan Kanobi | Ewoks | R2-D2 | C3-P0 | Ackbar | Other | Effects | Midis

Episode I Sounds
Watto: "I’m betting a-heavily on Subulba!" (mp3, 53kb)
Sebulba: "Poodoo!" (wav, 61kb)
Padme: "You’re a funny little boy!" (wav, 108kb)
Watto: "Don’t get me wrong-o." (wav, 66kb)
Amidala: "Our people are dying senator." (wav, 80kb)
Jar Jar: "Yousa people gonna die?" (wav, 40kb)
Anakin: "Will I ever see you again" (wav, 64kb)
Sidious: "Wipe them out. all of them" (wav, 47kb)

Classic Trilogy
Han Solo :

Luke Skywalker :

Princess Leia :


Darth Vader :

Emperor Palpatine :

Boba Fett :

Master Yoda :

Obi Wan Kanobi :

Ewoks :



Other :


Click here for Star Wars music MIDIs

Is there a sound you want but can’t find here (or anywhere). Chances are I have it or can get it for you. Please contact me at

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185 replies on “Star Wars Sounds Archive”

I would LOVE to have the sound of the NSF S-5 blaster pistol. Its the one that Captain Panaka and the Naboo troopers use in Episode 1. Thanks a bunch!

great sounds best place 4 them! Do u have – the clip of solo in the
detention centre. I think its called all fine?

Hey Man! thanks for the sound effects! really helped with my Youtube Video! Check It Out If You Have Time huh?

I need some Droids and a better Star Wars the Clone Wars Blaster sound FX

Hey Bro,

You should totally find cleaner sounds off the gaming universe. Some of these effects are rather…cloudy I’ll say to be nice. Shadows of the Empire, Rouge Squadron, and the Jedi Knight series have some good sounds, especially for the droids…just saying


hey man, i REALLY want to get my hands on that yub yub the ewok says in ROTJ its a great soiund and i cant get it anywhere 🙁

Great Star Wars Clips esp. R2D2…. anyway you can add to Darth Vader clips “i find your lack of faith disturbs me” !


Please can you put the “oi, your ship is sinking!” sound from R2D2? It’s from episode 5. How can I describe it? “wolf-whistle – whoop whoop – ba-da-bow!” Many thanks.

My brother and I are makeing a video and we need blaster sounds, battle droid sounds, and clone trooper sounds. I’ve got some really awesome sounds from you already, but those are just a few we need:-)

I love starwars sounds on my phone. All contacts have their own sound and a lot of them r aplicable to each other so I know who it is by the sound. I looked and gathered sounds for months was almost satisfied with my collection and my phone was stolen. Had a few backed up but I’m in expieranced with computers and smart phones so most I had backed u I couldn’t retrieve. It was easier to start the gathering over. Ur website had a good start to my collection. Thank you. Please email mme if you get more. I lovve them. Most ringtones n sounds have limits on whare they r apropreiate to have on. Star Wars , on the other hand, has had such a huge impact on our culture today that no matter whare u are its usuaally ok and I get a lot of commentss and chuckles out of people when they hear them. I’m also looking for the storm troopers being fooled by O B whan you know the infamous “these are not thhe droids your looking for”.

Can you put some more Obi Wan Kanobi quotes, for example “a jedi feels the force flowing through them.” and other such stuff.

Wow, this is amazing!

Does anyone know where you can find the sound of droidekas unrolling?

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