Episode I
The Duel of Fates (31kb) – What more can I say!
Anakin’s Theme (9kb)
Jar Jar’s Theme (40kb)
Augie’s Municipal Band (55kb)
The Flag Parade (108kb)
Qui Gon meets the Jedi Council (9kb)
20th Century Fox Fanfare
Star Wars Medley
Star Wars Main Theme
Swtheme.mid (44KB) - The Star Wars Theme, with the 20th Century Fox.
Cantina.mid (28KB)- The Mos Eisley Cantina Band
Empire.mid (5KB) – The Empire theme.
Swbattle.mid (28KB) – The Star Wars battle theme.
Sw_cere.mid (11KB) – The Star Wars ceremony at the end.
Ewokcel.mid (14KB) – The Ewok celebration music.
Ewokcele.mid (13KB) – Another ewok celebration midi.
jedirock.mid (9kb) – the Jedi Rock piece of ROTJ
imperial.mid (17kb) – the Imperial March.
empire.mid (16kb)
leiathem.mid (5kb) – Leia’s theme
swbattle.mid (28kb) – Star Wars battle
Yoda.mid (9kb) – Yoda’s theme
Do you have a midi to request or have a midi that you don’t see here? Well, tell me about it.
52 replies on “Star Wars Midis”
Cool Site..
Would appreciate R2D2 midi files…They are cool to use on phones…
Congratulations for this great site!! I’d also like to ask for some R2D2 midi files… thanks!
Where can I download these?
Download what? The midis are linked above on this page: http://www.galaxyfaraway.com/gfa/1998/12/star-wars-midis/
Wher can i find r2d2 midi file
Normally midis are of music; if you want a sound file of R2D2 (in .wav format) click here.
wow this place is cool [breathing evily]
wow this place is cool [breathing evily]
Can someone direct me to a Battle of the Heroes MIDI? That is my favorite from Episode III….
What’s the name of the sound track played when Anakin/Vader is marching into the Jedi Temple in Episode III? I can’t find it
Love the site. This page has every song i can think of except Battle of the Heroes. Still very cool though.
@D-Dyzzle, I’ll put Battle of the Heroes up when I find it- thanks!
Where can i find the Battle of the heroes midi file, i really wanna use ir on my cellphone, please let me know if u find any site or place. thanx..
I want the full Battle of the heroes MIDI, i found a fragment DEMO link, just to let u hear how cool it sounds:
If u find the whole version let me know the web link please.
i rele want the theme where anakin marches on the jedi temple with the clone troops. can someone please find the real thing and let me no plz
I`m trying to find it, but it`s hard
Hola todo el mundo, reamente no engo palabras para agradecer a los creadores de este Website, es toda una isla llenan de tesoros para los que estamos y los que sentimos el mundo del esectáculo,....
Hola todo el mundo, realmente no tengo palabras para agradecer a los creadores de este Website, es toda una isla llena de tesoros para los que estamos y sentimos el mundo del espectáculo,....muchas gracias!
@Eder Véliz, muchas gracias for the kind words!
Arrrggg…. so hard to find battle of the heroes midi….. i`m kinda sad….
I found a Battle of the heroes midi here.
Wow, nice midi site DevanJedi, thanx, i`ve been looking for that one long ago.
I think you need to get a credits theme midi
ive been lookiing every where for a a battle of endor midi and i cant find one! PLEASE put one up
Very good site. I like the midi files. I use it for my cell phone. Thanks
how can i download it? when i click on link the quick time player opens and i can only listen, but not download… can some1 send me whole midi imperial march and sw theme on smash13@net.hr PLEASE
Can someone tell me how do i insert these midis on my cellphone via usb cable??
how can i download it? when i click on link the quick time player opens and i can only listen, but not download… can some1 send me whole midi empire march, cantina orstar wars medley on dimitri04@gmail.com, please
Seems like the only thing missing is the soundtrack on Anakins March on the Jedi Temple. I suggest it be named ‘Knightfall’. Keep searching.
May the Force be with us all, especially the Dark Side of it.
Kool! But I wish they had the Emperor’s theme. It’s my favorite!
what about that one song with anakin and Padme together? You can hear it if you wait long enough on SW Battlefront, but it’s not on the sequel. if you already have that one, please tell me. Thank you, or, as the wookies would say, “WAAAAAAH!”
how can i download it? when i click on link the quick time player opens and i can only listen, but not download… can some1 send me whole midi Darth Vader Theme to jewhitman47@yahoo.net PLEASE
Good, but can you put the Star Wars Battle?(The “Epic Battle” on the final of Star Wars 3), thanks
Reznorio, There’s one on Wikipedia. Here’s the URL: music.jw-music.net/midi/battleheros.mid
You’ll like it.
If anyone needs “real” music, not MIDIs, then go to http://www.dockingbay101.com/music
Lots of great stuff there!
Love the site…keep it up!
May the Force be with you.
i need the music when obi wan and anakin are fighting against each other in episode 3
i think its called battle of the heroes
here is a music vid with the music im looking for…
check out this site
the files are mp3’s but there are loads
hi could some one tell me what i have to do to download these on to my computer?
were can i find a droid screem?
shit, this isnt midi its some shitty remix u fuck.
@DevanJedi, Cool site…I’ve been looking for Star Wars midis. Sorry that I didn’t comment about the site earlier, I was defending you and helping the people asking how to download the midis.
@shane, they’re in Midi Sequence format and yes, you can call them remixes if you like. You can also have your opinion about the music on this site, but don’t call DevanJedi a “f***”, it’s uncalled for.
@everyone asking how to download the music, try right-clicking the music links and look for “Save Target As”, “Save Link As”, or something like that and click it. Then all you have to do is put the music in a folder and you’re done.
Cool Stuff

yeah umm i take it these are home made so i think more lazer and cannon sounds plz
hey all these are great but only if you could take the real format and just convert it to midi it would sound better
Happy Chanukkah
Well…. I’d like some clone trooper sounds, battledroid sounds, I like your version of music it’s actually better to me, I’d like Darth Vader breathing too.

And it would be awsome if you updated this for some Episode 2 & 3 stuff
I love Revenge of the sith