
Star Wars Midis

A great collection of Midis from both the prequels and the classic trilogy. Includes favorites such as The Duel of the Fates and the music written specially for the Special Editions. Enjoy!

Episode I
The Duel of Fates (31kb) – What more can I say!

Anakin’s Theme (9kb)
Jar Jar’s Theme (40kb)
Augie’s Municipal Band (55kb)
The Flag Parade (108kb)
Qui Gon meets the Jedi Council (9kb)

20th Century Fox Fanfare
Star Wars Medley
Star Wars Main Theme
Swtheme.mid (44KB) - The Star Wars Theme, with the 20th Century Fox.
Cantina.mid (28KB)- The Mos Eisley Cantina Band
Empire.mid (5KB) – The Empire theme.
Swbattle.mid (28KB) – The Star Wars battle theme.
Sw_cere.mid (11KB) – The Star Wars ceremony at the end.
Ewokcel.mid (14KB) – The Ewok celebration music.
Ewokcele.mid (13KB) – Another ewok celebration midi.

jedirock.mid (9kb) – the Jedi Rock piece of ROTJ
imperial.mid (17kb) – the Imperial March.
empire.mid (16kb)
leiathem.mid (5kb) – Leia’s theme

swbattle.mid (28kb) – Star Wars battle
Yoda.mid (9kb) – Yoda’s theme
Do you have a midi to request or have a midi that you don’t see here? Well, tell me about it.

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52 replies on “Star Wars Midis”

Binary Sunset isnt here. its the part in Episode IV when Luke is looking at the multiple suns setting. heres a vid of it.

plz put the midi up of it

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