
Star Wars Fonts

We have a couple of very different Star Wars fonts for you to download:

  • Aurabesh (27 Kbytes)- The alien script used in the Star Wars movies on walls, in pod racers and in other random places. Very cool; take a look.

  • StarVader (53 Kbytes)- The font used in the Star Wars title logo.

UPDATE: (March 9th, 2006)

75 replies on “Star Wars Fonts”

I’m trying to create a short video with a Star Wars theme. How can I get font in my video to scroll into the middle of the screen “or infinity” like the opening scene on the first movies?

I’m trying to make invitations and can’t download, I’ve tried for weeks now. Can I type out the wording and could you send it to me in the star wars jedi font? You’d be helping me out in a BIG way. Thanks so much! christine

SueAnne, Use Windows Movie Maker and select add title. Then
Title at begining, change animation, scroll perspective.

Thank you for your Starvader font! This was the best—so
easy to use! Thank you so much for providing this for free too! I
just needed it for a giftcard for a 4 year birthday party and
didn’t want to spend money for a new font. Thanks again!

to get on word you must click OPEN not save. there will be
some items there… on the first one. there is an option
for print and one for instal. click instal. the font should now be
in your font browser in MS word.

I downloaded the Aurabrush font and then installed the newAurabrush style onto my computer. it shows up in my control panel (using Windows 7) as an installed font, however when I try to use it in Open-Office word processing programs, it won’t show up as a font to use within the list. How do I make it usable for my word-processor?

[...] | В» Star Wars Fonts – A Complete Star Wars Reference Dec 24, 1998 … StarVader (53 Kbytes)- The font used in the Star Wars title logo. UPDATE: (March 9th, 2006) … I'm trying to make invitations and can't download, I've tried for weeks now. … [...]

[...] | В» Star Wars Fonts – A Complete Star Wars Reference Dec 24, 1998 … We have a couple of very different Star Wars fonts for you to …. Are these fonts free to use? … [...]

For stupid people.

If you need to ask where you install fonts, don’t bother.

Go to Windows/fonts/ and copy or move them there. Job done, that’s it, simple as that.

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