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Full name: Incom Corporation T-16
Skyhopper Size: 12 meters tall Speed: 1200 kilometers per hour Hyperdrive: n/a Weapons: stun cannons Shields: hull only This
two men ship was one of the first designs of Incom Corporation, the
company that also produced the X-Wing and Airspeeder. It was formally
used on Outer Rim worlds, where young men could prove themselves flying
the aircraft. On Tatooine, Luke and his friends raced a lot through
the dangerous Canyon’s on the desert planet. The
Skyhopper was one of the most owned and loved aircrafts of its time.
Its ion engine and stabilizing design were unique and are reproduced
later, especially for Imperial ships, like transports and Tie Fighters.
The Skyhopper could reach an altitude of 300 kilometers, which was extremely
high for an air vehicle. It was one of the most maneuverable ships in
its time, due to the excellent stabilizers. The
Skyhopper’s weapon was primarly used for natural obstacles, but many
owners upgraded it with a heavy laser cannon or targeting cannons. Outrider
Full name: Modified Corellian Engineering
Corporation YT-2400 Freighter Size: 22 meters long Speed: 70 MGLT in space / 1000 kilometers per
hour in atmosphere Hyperdrive: class .75 hyperdrive Weapons: 2 double laser cannons / 2 concussion
missile launchers Shields: several unknown deflector shields / hull / countermeasures A
standard YT-2400 Freighter requires two men personnel, two navigators,
two gunners and has seat for 4 passengers. The Outrider
however, was flown by his owner Dash Rendar, and a droid, Leebo, only.
Like all YT-2400’s, the Outrider
was easy to modify, what has been done more than once. Rendar
used his ship for smuggling cargo to the Rebel Alliance, although he
didn’t want to be a member of it. Dash also worked as a mercenary for
the Alliance, but – like Han Solo – he never did something without being
paid for it. The
Outrider’s cockpit is nothing more than
a tube at the front of the ship. In the back the six men-escape pod
is located. The ship has been modified at its ion engines, power generators
and weapon systems – all illegal. Rendar always said that the Outrider could run out Solo’s Falcon
anywhere and everywhere. The
Outrider was seen fleeing from Mos Eisly
in the Special Edition of Star
Wars, but its main appearance was in Shadows
of the Empire. There, Rendar aided the Alliance in the battle against
the crimelord Xizor. When Vader’s ship destroyed Xizor’s skyhook, the
Outrider was hit by the debris and exploded.
Some stories, however, say that Rendar survived the skyhook’s explosion… Slave
name: Modified Kuat Systems Engineering Firespray-class
Patrol and Attack Ship Size:
21,5 meters long Speed:
70 MGLT in space / 1000 kilometers per hour in atmosphere Hyperdrive:
class 1 hyperdrive Weapons:
2 twin-mounded rotating blaster cannons / 1 concussion missile launcher
/ 1 tractor beam projector / 2 proton torpedo launchers Shields:
unknown limited deflector shields / contact ray hull / hull
The Slave 1 is a very old Kuat ship, and everyone considered it a piece of junk. Except Boba Fett. The bounty hunter bought the ship and modified everything he could, especially its weapons. He also used illegal jamming systems to approach planets undetected. The Slave 1 had powerful homing beacons and trackers located on proton torpedo’s, so Fett was able to track a ship’s course even in hyperspace. The ship’s modified parts took two-thirds of it. As a result, there was very little room on the Slave 1. Only Fett’s living quarters, an equipment locker and six cells were stationed on the ship. After Fett’s apparent dead in Sarlacc, the Alliance captured the Slave 1 and held it on the planet Grakouine. Fett temporately used the Slave 2, but in a pursuit with Han Solo, Fett was able to recapture his original ship. Fett avoided the planet’s defenses quite easily and escaped into hyperspace. Imperial
name: Sienar Fleet Systems Lambda-class
shuttle Size:
20 meters long Speed:
50 MGLT in space / 850 kilometers per hour in atmosphere Hyperdrive:
class 1 hyperdrive Weapons:
3 double blaster cannons / 2 double laser cannons Shields:
2 deflector shields / hull
The Imperial Shuttle was designed for transporting twenty passengers or eighty tons of cargo. Most shuttles are used for transporting between a Capital Ship and a planet or space station, but the Imperial shuttle was equipped with a hyperdrive which enabled the ship to work alone. Most Imperial shuttles were used for cargo transport, but high-ranked Imperial officers, like Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine or Grand Moff Tarkin, used to have personal shuttles. The original Lambda-class shuttle was designed by Sienar Fleet Systems, and in dangerous territory it had to be escorted by a starfighter squadron. Cygnus Spaceworks, however, created a military version of the shuttle, equipping it with stronger shields and ten laser cannons. Although the Rebel Alliance never used the Imperial Shuttle, Han Solo and his team flew the stolen shuttle Tydirium to approach the heavily guarded planet Endor. Later, Luke Skywalker used the shuttle to escape the destruction of the second Death Star. AT-AT
name: Imperial All Terrain Armored Transport Walker
15,5 meters tall / 20,6 meters long Speed:
60 kilometers per hour Weapons:
2 heavy laser cannons / 2 fire-linked medium blasters / 4 durasteel
feet Shields:
hull only
The massive AT-AT was built in the later days of the Empire, and is especially produced for destroying large objects, and to carry ground troops. The AT-AT’s head can sweep from up to down, or from left to right; that makes the Walker has a large field of fire. Its two heavy laser cannons are placed for destroying objects, its medium blasters are used for giving cover to ground troops. The AT-AT has an apparent slowness; on flat land it can have a surprising speed. With one step a Walker has the same distance as a human being running a minute. The All Terrain Armored Transport can carry 40 stormtroopers or two AT-ST’s, and one metric ton of cargo. Due to its incredible strong hull, the Walker is almost invincible for ground troops to destroy. The Rebel troops suffered thier invasion on Hoth, where the Empire attacked Echo Base. But commander Skywalker found a way to defeat the Walker’s, by winding the tow cable of the new Snowspeeders around the four legs of the AT-AT. When te immense machine fell down, Rebel turrets could destroy it. Also in the days of the New Republic, AT-AT’s were used by the last officers of the Empire, like Grand-Admiral Thrawn and Admiral Daala. The New Republic never used the war-machine. AT-ST
Scout Walker
name: Imperial All Terrain Scout Transport Walker Size:
8,6 meters tall Speed:
90 kilometers per hour Weapons:
1 twin blaster cannon / 1 light blaster cannon / 1 concussion grenade
launcher / 2 durasteel feet with claws Shields:
hull only
The All Terrain Scout Transport, or Scout Walker, has always been a vital component of the Imperial Forces. It was a lightweight version of the AT-AT, far more maneuverable and easier in use than the original Walker. Although the Walker was also a troops carrier, the AT-ST was a clear attacker or scout. It could walk over many terrains without being harmed by natural obstacles. For a machine of that small size, the Scout Walker was heavily armed. Also the cannons shot more precisely than the ones of the AT-AT. Its hull was not as strong as its big brother, but strong enough to stay clear of blaster or rifle fire. There was two men crew needed for optimal performance of the AT-ST. One managed the weapons, the other one the rest of the functions. Because the feet of the AT-ST weren’t very destructive, the designers made claws on them. The AT-ST was most used for scout missions on heavy terrain, or to guard the flanks of an AT-AT during an attack. Scout Walkers were used to defend the bunker in which the shield generator on Endor was located. But the Ewoks found the weakness of the machine: its bad balance system. Using hidden traps the Ewoks could take the overhand in the battle and destroy the Scout Walkers. Speeder
name: Aratech 74-Z Military Speeder Bike
3 meters long Speed:
500 kilometers per hour Weapons:
1 light blaster cannon Shields:
hull only
Speeder bikes were already in use before the Galactic Civil War. They primarly served as transports and recreational vehicles. On many worlds, its civil brother was found, the swoop. This cheapier and less good version was especially made for private ownership and had no arnament. Some gangs, however, upgraded the swoop and modified it with blaster cannons and heavy weapons. During the Galactic Civil War, the Empire made Military speeder bikes such as the 74-Z. This models were excellent scouting machines on all terrains, due to its incredible speed and maneuverability. The speeder bike has repulsors to keep it in the air with a maximum altitude of 25 meters. Its great speed requires a perfect training and total concentration. The pilot maneuvers his bike with controls in the handgrips, and the speed and altitude with the foot pedals. On Endor, the Empire used speeder bikes for reconnaisance missions and to protect the bunker. The speeder bike scene in Return of the Jedi shows how dangerous the vehicle was in forest terrain.
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