Films Sequel Trilogy

The Third Trilogy

I entered this world in the jundland wastes of Tatooine, 1977. And do you know what my very first words were? “But I was going to Toshi station to get some power converters”. As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be Luke Skywalker. In the make believe stories of my action […]

Fandom Site News

GFA at 20

Twenty years ago (December 2018), I was futzing around with a trial copy of Microsoft Frontpage Express. I put a few web pages together, uploaded them to and called it “The Galaxy Far, Far Away”. In the beginning, nobody came. I put up a counter on the site from, but the number only […]


A Historian’s Interpretation of the Star Wars Thanksgiving Portrait

When an enthusiast happens upon a historical document of this nature, there is a risk of supplying a narrative where there is none. However, there is much to comment on here.


Steve Jobs and George Lucas: Heirs to the Disney Empire

In 1985, Steve Jobs left Apple. A year later, he paid George Lucas $5 million to acquire technology rights for a computer division within Lucasfilm. Steve Jobs named this division Pixar. In 2006, after an unprecedented run of successful films, Disney bought Pixar for $7.4 billion dollars in an all-stock deal. Overnight, Steve Jobs was Disney’s […]


Disney Acquires Lucasfilm, Star Wars Episode VII in 2015

Details soon, full story here. Highlights: Star Wars Episode VII targeted for 2015. More feature films expected to continue the Star Wars saga and grow the franchise well into the future. George Lucas: “It’s now time for me to pass Star Wars on to a new generation of filmmakers. I’ve always believed that Star Wars could live beyond me, and I […]

Site News

GFA Turns 12

While the glory days are gone, GFA still lives on, with large numbers of visitors daily thanks to the mysterious algorithms at Google. Thanks to all the long time visitors. I hope to have new stuff in the new year. OUR BEST PARTNERS:


Celebration V Highlights

Whether it’s your first or your fifth time, Star Wars Celebration, an annual Star Wars convention this year held in Orlando, Florida, the enormous amount of things to do and see can be overwhelming. Here are a few highlights that are definite must-sees! One Man Star Wars Charles Ross returns to Celebration to perform his […]

Games Multimedia

Star Wars Title Announced For Kinect

At E3 this weekend, Kinect for Xbox 360 (formally known as Project Natal) announced that one of their first games will be a Star Wars title. For those who don’t know, Kinect is the 360’s camera based motion-sensing add-on, to be released in November. Very little information was given about the game, though the demo […]

Humor Multimedia

Five Great Star Wars Song Parodies

There are literally thousands of parody songs about Star Wars out there. There is no way I could review them all and decide which are “best”, so I decided just to feature five songs that I personally really like. [Ed: We did one with The Beatles’ song Yesterday many years ago.] 5. “Jedi Drinking Song” […]

Fandom Humor

Top 10 Vacation Spots of the Star Wars Universe

Dantooine: Go camping on one of Dantooine’s luscious valley floors, where the rebel base is definitely not located. OUR BEST PARTNERS:

Fandom Humor

You Know You’re A Star Wars Nerd When…

  1. frequently get headaches trying to move things with your mind.

  2. …you say “Use the Foooorce” in completely serious situations.

  3. …you tell people your hunk-of-junk car can make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.

  4. …you don’t care that a parsec is not a measurement of time.

  5. …Jar Jar Binks makes you cry.

  6. …Mark Hamil calls you a Star Wars nerd.


Long Ago, or Far Away? A Look At Star Wars Technology

Star Wars is a captivating tale for many, and with any huge fan base comes the united wish that the universe was real place we could all go and live. We may not have the Force, and we may not have made first contact yet, but we’re getting very close to a few other things […]

Books Games

Seven Star Wars Villains You Don’t Know

We all know the big guys; Darth Vader, the Emperor, Jabba the Hutt, Exar Kun, Grand Admiral Thrawn, and so on. But what about the others, the ones who might have only been in one book, the ones few know or think about? I’d like to take a moment of your time to discuss just […]


Ten Most Awesome Star Wars Memorabilia You Can Wear

Star Wars has some of the best merchandise you can get; toys, games, and all sorts of collectibles. But there’s nothing like wearing your favorite movie franchise around town! Here are ten of the coolest Star Wars wearable things I’ve found on the internet over the years. 10. Darth Vader Costume T-Shirt One of the […]

Books Reviews

Review: Star Wars: Incredible Cross-Sections

One of my favorite things about Star Wars are the ships and vehicles, so its no surprise that Star Wars: Incredible Cross-Sections has become one of my favorite books. The book is only 32 pages long, with each ship or vehicle taking up 2 pages, but it covers the more famous ones. A few included […]

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